1. Main view
In the main view for offers, there are 5 different inputs which you can assign manually.
Lead: A newly drafted offer appears here. This is for an interested customer.
Progress: If you still wish to review your offer, you can move it here.
Negotiation: The offer has been sent.
Accepted: The customer has accepted the offer.
Cancelled: The offer was not taken up.
You can drag the offers to the status required using Drag & Drop and add a comment.
By clicking on the 3 dots, the comments and modifications can be viewed under “History”:
By clicking on the 3 dots and selecting “Create” on the lower right, you can create a new
document and, if required, accept the full post.
2. Forecast
After creating a new offer, at the end you arrive at “Forecast”. You can store the
likelihood that this offer will be accepted as a % here. With the date you can record the
term for the amount and whether it is all to be settled in one payment, i.e. 100%, or 50% and
50%. It is also possible for one payment of 70% to be made by the end of August, and the
remaining 30% by the end of September. Currently, these details have no effect, but they will
subsequently be available as statistics