In KLARA you can define billing options for reports or invoicing on 3 different levels.
2. Order
When creating a new order, you will directly have the option to choose between “Billable” - “Non-billable” - “Blocked” and “Lump sum”.
Billable: all times and materials are included in the invoice with the deposited price.
Non-billable: these times and materials are included in the invoice without a price.
Blocked: you can make reports; times and materials are not included in the invoice.
Lump sum: you can make reports, but an invoice will not be created via “Project”. You have to create it manually via lump sum. Reports will help you to keep an overview of the actual expense in relation to the lump sum.
This information is valid for the entire order. That means if an order is for example marked as “Lump sum”, tasks configurated as “Billable” are also not considered for invoicing.
If you want to modify that general configuration, you have to click on an existing order via the 3 points on the pencil symbol behind the order name and adjust the billing options.
2. Task
When a new task is created, you can also choose here the billing option.
If you want to change the option of the task, you have to click on the corresponding order and go to “Tasks”.
Via the 3 points and “Edit” you can make the adjustment.
3. Reports
During the report of time or material, the billing option of the task will be directly displayed.
You can change it directly or afterwards during invoicing.