First of all, you have to create an article with the product type “Preinvoice/Prepayment” in KLARA. You will need it later on for your invoice.
In a next step, create an invoice for your prepayment and add the article “Prepayment” as well as the corresponding amount. This amount will then be posted automatically in your accounting as prepayment.
The received payment is then matched with the preinvoice via the bank reconciliation.
If the final invoice is created later on, KLARA will show you via a popup that a prepayment does already exist for this specific client.
Tick the box with the prepayment and then click on “Add”. If necessary, you can also adjust the amount in the above field, if, for example, the invoice amount is less than the prepayment.
The prepayment will then be deducted at the end of the invoice.