- The company name must be identical in KLARA and Google my Business.
- The KLARA account and Google my Business account have to be verified.
- The background image and the logo must adhere to the guidelines: https://support.klara.ch/hc/de/articles/360017573659-Welche-Vorgaben-gelten-f%C3%BCr-Bilder-bei-Google-my-Business-
- Please note the general Google guidelines: https://support.google.com/business/answer/3038177?hl=en#zippy
If the connection shows an error, this may be for the following reasons:
- Special opening hours which have already expired must be deleted.
- If the “name of the branch” is missing under “Company – place of work / opening hours”, this has to be completed.
- Use one of the browsers we recommend, either Firefox or Chrome.