If you use a credit card in your company, the supplier will check whether the charge you want to make is covered by your available credit limit (in the case of a prepaid credit card, the card balance) and reserves the amount of your purchase. This can either be the exact amount or, if this is not yet known at the time of the check, the merchant will set a specific amount. For example, at a petrol station CHF 150.- have been reserved because it is not previously known how much petrol will be purchased. Other providers such as hotel service providers or car rental companies know such flat rates too.
After the purchase, your merchant hands you out a receipt, which you post in KLARA. The posting process supports you in recognising the correct business case and recognises the content of your receipt. Business Relax provides you with the card management. You can enter your credit, debit and prepaid credit cards in KLARA and select the appropriate card when uploading the receipt via the app or when posting the receipt.
At the time the receipt is created, your merchant has not yet received his money. He has reserved the money with your credit card provider. This means that the money still belongs to you, but you can currently only use a limit or balance that has been reduced by the amount of the reservation.
Depending on the merchant, the reserved amount will be claimed after a few hours or days. If the reservation is higher than the actual withdrawal, only the actual amount will be claimed from your credit card provider. Your merchant will receive the money and you will be charged the amount with the next credit card statement or deducted from the prepaid balance. The merchant has up to one month to collect the reserved amount.
As soon as you receive a credit card statement, you can upload it into KLARA and pay the invoice with the business case "Current account credit card". To be sure that you have posted all account transactions, the credit card reconciliation is available to you with Business Relax. There you can enter every transaction and reconcile it with a receipt. If the transaction is higher or lower than the receipt, you can post directly tip payments or currency differences. Once you have processed all transactions, you can be sure that you have registered all movements on your card.
Prepaid credit card from Swissbankers
Do you use the Swissbankers prepaid credit card? Perfect, KLARA supports you even more in this case. As soon as your merchant makes a reservation on your card, your MyKLARA app notifies you. This happens so quickly that you are still in the shop and do not forget to take the receipt with you. As soon as you have the receipt, you can take a picture of it and the receipt will end up in the posting process. When the receipt is posted, the person in charge of postings can see that this receipt belongs to your card.
Your card is a prepaid card. Unlike a conventional credit card, you top up your balance before using the card. You will not be charged for your expenses afterwards. In the credit card management, you will find the option to load your card via KLARA. KLARA takes care of the correct posting and prepares your payment file. You can also move money from one card to another. The money is credited to the new card within a few minutes. Again, you can lean back, KLARA knows which posting is necessary and orders the money transfer from Swissbankers.
As you have loaded your card with credit, the monthly credit card statement is no longer necessary. As soon as your merchant has requested the payment of the reserved amount from Swissbankers, this will be forwarded to KLARA. Your transaction list fills up automatically. There is no need to enter transactions manually. Please remember that you will only see the transaction after your merchant has requested the reserved amount. Only then it will be definitely deducted from your card balance.
You can find wide-ranging information on the Swissbankers Card offer on our website.