In this FAQ, you find an instruction how to block single days or longer periods with the widget KLARA Online booking.
Blockers are always entered directly in the calendar of the employee. As a result, those blocked employees cannot be booked online.
You can set blockers for the following reasons:
- Break
- Vacation
- Sick leave
- Lunch
- Personal appointment
- Other reason
These blockers can be set as single or recurrent blockers.
Create a single blocker:
1. Click on the calendar of the concerned person.
2. Choose the option “Blocker” at the top right and define a time for the blocker.
3. Afterwards, select a reason and save the blocker.
4. The blocker will then be greyed out for the corresponding person. This person cannot be booked online by customers during the blocked time.
Create a recurring blocker:
1. Click on the calendar of the concerned person.
2. Choose the option “Blocker”.
3. Activate the slider “Recurring” and define the specifications of the blocker.
4. Save the settings and select a reason for the blocker (e.g. Vacation) and save your recurring blocker.
Delete blockers:
In order to delete a blocker, you can click on the corresponding blocker and afterwards on the 3 dots to delete the blocker. In the case of a recurring blocker, KLARA asks you if you want to delete the current blocker or all future recurrences as well.