You can link another display with your cash register. This offers you the option of showing the
customer the shopping basket as well as the current total sum when checking out.
To use this feature, you will require a second screen. We recommend ordering an identical
tablet to the one you use for your cash register. The customer display is optimised for this
Link the customer display with the KLARA POS
If you now have both tablets to hand, you can download the KLARA POS app on both.
1. Link both tablets with KLARA and
2. Select the menu item “Customer display” on your main tablet via the 3 dots on the top left.
3. Now click on the button “Use as cash register”
4. Take the second tablet, select the menu item “Customer display” here too.
5. Select “Use as customer display”
6. Scan the QR code that is displayed on the checkout tablet.
Both tablets automatically link and you should now see an empty shopping basket on the
customer display.
Consider leaving your device connected to a power source at all times, so that the customer
display does not stop working suddenly because the battery has run out.
Sleep mode / timeout
So that the customer display does not have to be constantly activated, you can deactivate sleep
mode and/or the screen timeout.
You will find sleep mode in the basic settings of your tablet: Settings > Display > Standby
mode > Never
You will find Timeout in the developer options of your tablet. However, you have to activate
this first.
Activate developer options: Settings > Tablet info > Software information > Type in build
number several times
Deactivate screen timeout: Settings > Developer options > Standby mode > Leave active
For the same reason, we recommend deactivating the screensaver. You will find this in the
basic setting on your tablet under Settings > Display > Other display settings > Screensaver >
Security prompt (password protection)
So that the tablet automatically displays the shopping basket, we do not recommend activating
the security prompt when waking up the tablet.
Settings > Security and data protection > Screen lock and passwords > Deactivate lock screen