KLARA Home supports the simplified accounting procedure. The details and conditions for the application can be found in the corresponding publications issued by SECO and the AHV:
- https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/de/home/Arbeit/Personenfreizugigkeit_Arbeitsbeziehungen/schwarzarbeit/Arbeit_korrekt_melden/vereinfachte_abrechnungsverfahren.html
- https://www.ahv-iv.ch/p/2.07.d
In KLARA the simplified accounting procedure is activated in the menu “Employer”.
KLARA then calculates the salary processing of the deductions for the OASI, ALV and withholding tax according to the statutory provisions. In the event of employment of more than 8 hours per week, a premium for the non-occupational accident insurance must also be deducted.