At the moment the KLARA POS app offers the option of connecting the Nets (CCV), yomani and SumUp payment terminals to the cash register.
We are already working on connecting SumUp and other terminals.
Worldline (SIX)
- Lane/5000 PINPAD
- Move/5000 Portable Pinpad
- Desk/5000 Pinpad
Link/2500 Portable Pinpad
- Move 3500 MOBILE WLAN --> can no longer be ordered
- mprimes (e355 MOBILE PINPAD) --> can no longer be ordered
- yomani XR PINPAD --> can no longer be ordered
- yomani XR COMPACT --> can no longer be ordered
- yomani touch XR PINPAD --> can no longer be ordered
- yomani touch XR COMPACT --> can no longer be ordered
- yoximo MOBILE PINPAD --> can no longer be ordered
Nexi (CCV)
- CCV ITS S300 (Kabel)
- CCV ITS Q30 (Kabel)
- CCV Mobile S920 (Wifi)
- CCV Fly D200 --> can no longer be ordered
- Nets PAX A77 (Wifi) --> please contact us via if you would like to order the A77. The A77go is not a 100% alternative, as it cannot be configured as cash register-integrated.
- Nets PAX A920 (Wifi)
Hier you can order your Sumup Solo at preferential conditions.
- SumUp Lite
- SumUp Air --> can no longer be ordered
- SumUp Solo --> the Solo is delivered with Wifi connection by default and must be switched to Bluetooth first. You can easily make this connection
1. tap on the arrow icon on the top of your Solo screen
2. select "Connections
3. select "Bluetooth
4. activate the switch
5. answer the question with "Yes
6. remember the displayed number, when connecting to the cash register it will be displayed