To record a cash deposit in the POS system, navigate to the menu item “Daily journal”.
There in the top area of the screen you will find the “Cash drawer” button. Cash deposits and
expenditure not associated with a sale can be recorded using this button.
The total can be completed according to the selection of the corresponding case. If required, a
receipt can be printed for every transaction.
Cash deposit: All cash deposits that are activated.
Cash expenditure: All cash expenditure that is not associated with the sale of items.
Bank: If money from a bank account is deposited at the cash register, this can be posted via this
function. KLARA automatically proposes the banks recorded in the system and only selects
the correct one. If you wish to take money from the cash register and pay it into a bank account,
you can do this via the same function. It is important here to select the cash expenditure
Employees: All employees who are assigned to this cash register can be selected with this
feature. If the employee is given money from the cash register, this can be posted with this
Cash register: If several POS systems are in use and there is a money transfer from one
cash register to another, this can be recorded using this feature.
Other: If the cash expenditure or deposit is not assigned to any of the cases above, the
“Other” feature can be used.
What is important for all transactions is that any movement of money is registered and posted
in KLARA. Any adjustments which cannot be assigned to a precise case must be correctly
posted and adapted in accounting.
All cash receipts and payments entered in the cash register via the tablet are allocated to transfer account 1090 in accounting and these transactions can be synchronised via this account under Sync