You want to offer customer cards to your customers which they can use as well for payment at the KLARA cash register. Here you learn how to configurate them.
Please note that KLARA currently only offers this as a prepaid mechanism, which means the customer must recharge the card with a desired amount in advance and can then pay up to this amount. Of course, recharging is also possible at any time.
Create customer cards
Customer cards in KLARA are nothing else than gift cards, which are assigned to a client. So, in order to create a customer card, you first have to enter a gift article. More about it, you will find in the FAQ article Gift cards/ vouchers.
As soon as your customer wants to buy a customer card, you sell him a normal voucher as also described in the above-mentioned FAQ. The only thing left to do is clicking on the “Create” button in the cart next to the voucher article and assign the customer to the card.
If you have already sold your customer a voucher, you can also transform it easily into a customer card. To do so, go to gift cards in the top left menu and search for the voucher. With a click on the voucher, you can assign it here also to a customer.
Using customer card for payment
The principle is the same as for a sale. It works the same as a voucher sale. Select for the payment the voucher symbol in the screen as payment method and then enter the voucher code or rather the card number during payment. Alternatively, you can also use your external barcode scanner or the camera scanner.
The sale will then automatically be assigned to the client. You can then also see the transaction on the customer in the cash register or in the CRM in the KLARA Web App.
Recharge customer cards
Recharging works the same way as with a voucher. Add a voucher with the desired amount into your cart. With the “Create” button you can enter the voucher code or rather the card number of the existing card and the cash register will then ask you if you want to recharge your card.